In my career, I had the occasion to join various professional design teams looking at improving or creating from scratch digital products. In particular, I worked for an energy company e for a consultancy firm to develop products for their internal use.
Unfortunately I can't upload pictures online but I'd be glad to show you more about these processes over a call!​​​​​​​
When: 2021 - 2022
Team: various
Main tasks: design research, UX audit, workshop design and facilitation, user interviews, qualitative data analysis, software requirements, stakeholder management.
- Literature review
- User interviews
- Expert interviews
- Social listening
- Insight definition and clustering
- information architecture mapping
An energy client requested software to manage their internal investments in a more streamlined way and to foster sustainability.
I was brought into a team of 3 people to define further the brief, bringing  the client's leadership on the same page about the vision for the tool and its roadmap, and researching user needs and develop software requirements.
Firstly, I and the other designer in the project analysed the current ways our client was managing investments. Then, we developed a preliminary in-person workshop to understand the details of the situation (in particular current software architecture and users using it) and co-created a shared vision with the client's leadership.
After that, the team held interviews to explore the 4 users that were considered the main users of the new tool. We developed personas and current user journeys. Once we divided the journeys into use cases, we went back to talk to our users to understand their workflow per each of them and the painpoints and opportunities for enhancement. We translated that into user cases and user requirements for our software.
Internal client
I performed a UX audit for an Account management software. Once the workflow and processes became clear to me, I started interviewing managers using the current Account Management software I was asked to analyse: I prepared a visually appealing interview board to understand the details of workflows and the quality of the current interaction with the software.
We collated all the data on one board to perform data analysis and obtain software and data requirements to define new interactions and ways to display data key to operational needs.
Having one column per topic (software and data) we got to recommendations following the following process: Paraphrased comment Research Insight Assumption for need Recommendation.
I reported back to the client by creating a deck containing: 
1. A description of my approach
2. Main insights, divided in three themes
3. User personas
4. Recommendations for new software interactions and data source/presentation.

Government client
I was brought into a client's team which was deploying an urgent service and changing it "live".
I performed the UX Audit of a process present in the client's website and visualised it in user journeys and process flows with the screenshots from the website. 
I brought these tools to internal organisational meetings (we acted as members of the client's team) and used them to highlight to change certain parts that caused pain points to fragile users. 
My maps were also considered really useful by the client as a way to have all departments on the same page (Policy, Operations, Communication, Service improvement, Health).
In particular, I collaborated directly with the Ops and Comms managers to make evident along the journey what were the risks and the unanswered questions that needed their addressing.
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